360 Virtual Reality

In December 2017, as I was struggling to figure out where I should push my career to, I started to look online and discovered the 360 Video section of YouTube.

360 panorama imaging was nothing new to me, as I dabbled with it briefly in 2003 and again in 2011.

It never really stuck with me though, as the technology seemed cumbersome, and the result was just ok.

I have seen 360 video footage on the Toronto Blue Jays Facebook page in partnership with Samsung before and thought it was amazing! Especially paired up with a mobile device and the ability to look in any direction.

I looked deeper into the topic and learned about 360 cameras.

I ordered one on Black Friday and when it arrived I began to capture all kinds of moments.

I quickly learned that the Samsung Gear 360 that I got was a great tool, but it was not a professional camera.

So, I ended up deciding to invest in the future, and jumped straight into the deep end with an 8K Insta360 Pro.

I produced my first work with it in late January 2018 and a week later it was put to the test.

Almost a month later, and several tests I can say now, that I am in the 360 Virtual Reality realm!

I look forward to producing a lot more content for the web and beyond!